This is why I love walkabouts. Kids are hoping for a Disney princess in a glittering gown, but instead they get a regular — albeit lovely — woman with beautiful hair wearing a nice-looking coat.
1. This little lady in red.
2. This one who said “sod it” to the whole waiting-behind-a-barricade thing.
“Done. Where’s my snack?”
3. The one who was kind of hoping for more, like a crown.
4. The one who adhered to the universal Disney dress code.
5. The one who not only brought her A-game, but remembered her white gloves.
6. The one who doesn’t think anyone should be handed flowers simply for showing up.
“No, I will not hand them over. I don’t care who she is.”
7. The one who thinks everyone deserves a hug.
“You’re a lovely hugger.”
8. The one who saw things when faced with greatness.
“I think I can see heaven through her hair.”
9. The 5-year-old who was allowed to skip school to meet Prince Charles, only to regret it immediately.
“Prince of who? Like the whale we’re learning about in today’s lesson that I’m missing? For this?”
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