Was it really almost two years ago that we gave a right royal “hello!” to Prince George?
1. “Bilby! Bilby! Bilby! It’s coming back with us, yes? Have you told Lupo?”
2. “Hah! Look at all the fun I’m having!”

James Whatling/Splash News
3. “What’s in there? A prezzie for moi?”

Matt Dunham/WPA-Pool
4. “L-O-V-E this toy. I’m taking it with me.”

James Whatling / Splash News
5. “It’s amazing, the sedation that comes after a bottle.”
6. “Have you ever seen a stride so full of purpose?”
7. “George! It’s me, George!”
8. “Everybody Wang-Chung!”

Splash News
9. “The holidays are my JAM.”
10. “Wonderful to see you all! Look at how spotless my outfit is.”

Image Via Splash News
11. “You there with the snapping thing. Bring it to me.”

James Whatling / i-Images / Pool
12. “The joy one feels looking out at one’s kingdom.”
13. “It’s very bright out here. Gan Gan’s coat is giving me a headache.”

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