If there is anyone who can say whatever he wants without the need for an apology, it’s the Duke of Edinburgh. The man has earned his right to tell you when you’re dragging your feet.
Famous for his “gaffes,” Prince Philip, 94, has long been criticized for saying exactly what’s on his mind, regardless of whether or not it offends his company. In fact, royal reporter Phil Dampier put together a delightful book of Philip’s zingers. Philip is hilariously irreverent, and very smart, to boot.
Let’s not forget that this guy was born into a broken family, shipped off to different royal relatives around Europe and never once publicly complained. He has served as a Naval officer, was a total dish in his day, and has always, always respected his wife.
“Prince Philip is the only man in the world who treats the Queen simply as another human being. I think she values that. And it is not unknown for the Queen to tell the Duke to shut up,” the Queen’s ex-Private Secretary, Lord Charteris, once said, according to the Daily Mirror.
Another recalled Philip meeting an Australian man in 1954 who said: “My wife is a doctor of philosophy and much more important than I am.” The Duke’s response: “Ah yes, we have that trouble in our family too.”
Today, during an event to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Britain, His Royal Highness grew impatient as others lolly-gagged while preparing for a photo op. So, Philip ordered the photographer to “take the fucking picture,” according to the Mirror.
The photographer did as he was told, and most likely went to cry in a dark corner afterwards.
Unfortunately the video doesn’t show the reactions of Prince William, Prince Edward or the Countess of Wessex. The real tragedy here is that Prince Harry wasn’t present to egg his grandfather on, but I take great solace in the fact that somewhere in Africa, Harry is having a right laugh.
Listen, when you’re that old, you don’t feel like d**king around while others behave like loosey-goosies.
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