Toby Melville – WPA Pool/Getty Images
Oh, David Cameron.
While touring the Bloomberg offices in New York today, Cameron was overheard (with a mic. And a camera.) telling former city mayor Michael Bloomberg something rather…odd about Her Majesty’s reaction to the Scottish Referendum vote.
According to Sky News (via the Daily Beast), Cameron allegedly said this:
The definition of relief is being the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and ringing the Queen and saying, ‘It’s alright, it’s okay’. That was something.
She purred down the line.
Cameron also added that the Queen appeared to get “choked up” when Cameron told her of the final vote, which was very close up until the very end.
Many critics see Cameron’s discussion of his private conversations with the monarch as a complete violation of their unofficially confidential exchanges.
When the Daily Beast reached out for a comment, Buckingham Palace had this to say:
“We wouldn’t comment on an exchange between the Prime Minister and Her Majesty,” a rep said.
This also doesn’t bode well for the notion that the Queen is supposed to be “above” politics. Though she’s publicly not supposed to give her opinion either way, it’s been said in royal circles that she would rather the United Kingdom stay together.
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